BUV is a place where you’ll do more than study and get a degree. Your passion will be ignited, and you will be able to try out new interests and uncover talents you don’t know you have.

Amongst an open-minded, friendly and talented student community, with the enthusiast support from BUV, especially the Student Experience Department, you’ll spend your university time with interesting people who share your passions and others who will flip your worldview in ways you could never imagine.

Besides the extracurricular activities with more than 30 students’ clubs, BUV provides different opportunities to help you highlight the essential skills that prepare you for life after college, grow as a well-rounded individual in all aspects, and connect you to future career possibilities. We aim to help you succeed in whatever path you choose via providing a wide selection of activities that make you a sought-after candidate in the market while having a dynamic, inspirational and fulfilling student experience during 3 years at BUV.

Welcome to your journey of passion!

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