BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM) BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM)
BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM)FEE INFORMATION

BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management - IHM)

Effective: 1 January 2024

  Tuition Fee Education Resource Fee* Student Affairs Fee** Total Fee
UniPath 109,600,000 13,700,000 13,700,000 137,000,000
Year 1 154,280,000 19,280,000 19,280,000 192,840,000
Year 2*** 154,280,000 19,280,000 19,280,000 192,840,000
Year 3*** 154,280,000 19,280,000 19,280,000 192,840,000
TOTAL 572,440,000 71,540,000 71,540,000 715,520,000

In which, the UniPath will be structured as below:

  Tuition Fee Educational Resources Fee* Student Affairs Fee** Total Fee
UniPath – Level 1 24,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 30,000,000
UniPath – Level 2 24,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 30,000,000
UniPath – Level 3 20,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 25,000,000
Principles of School of Tourism and Hospitality 41,600,000 5,200,000 5,200,000 52,000,000
TOTAL FEE 109,600,000 13,700,000 13,700,000 137,000,000
BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM)Other fees
Application Fee (Direct entry students only) VND 2,000,000
Registration Fee VND 1,500,000
Annual Practical Equipment Fee VND 6,798,000
BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM)notations

* Education Resource Fee includes library, textbooks, handouts, examination fees, academic’s equipment, online studying

** Student Affairs Fee includes alumni, student clubs, societies, careers, skills activities, bus service and local trips.

*** Fees of Year 2 and Year 3 are for illustration only. The British University Vietnam reserves the right to make any increases of fees (not greater than 10%) that are deemed necessary annually.

**** Annual Practical Equipment Fee includes equipment and supplies and is applied to only International Hospitality Management


BUV OWN DEGREE (Bachelor in International Hospitality Management – IHM)Notes on fees and charges
  • All Vietnamese nationals are required to pay the fees in VND. Fees in USD are applied to international students only. If student pays fees in USD, the foreign currency exchange rate will be converted in accordance with actual exchange rate of payment date regulating by Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam.
  • Registration Fee, Application Fee, Education Resource Fee, Annual Practical Equipment Fee and Student Affairs Fee is not refundable or transferable.
  • Applicants who pay upfront a lump sum for a semester or 1-year fees will be given a discount of 2% and 4%, respectively. This discount will not be applied simultaneously with any other tuition fee discounts or scholarships. Upfront lump sum fees payment for whole programme will be applied in accordance with Fixed Fee Policies.
  • The Fee Information is effective from 1 January 2024 and applied for new students who enroll after 1 January 2024.
  • Other fees are compiled with Fee Policy of British University Vietnam.

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