BA (Hons) Marketing Management

BA (Hons) Marketing ManagementProgramme Overview

  • Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing Management (Awarded by Staffordshire University)
  • Programme duration: 3 years (Full-time)
  • Location: BUV Campus, Ecopark, Hanoi
  • Timetable: Student’s timetable will be sent to BUV student’s emails prior to the commencement date of each semester

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Globally work-ready

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Teaching Excellence

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Internship opportunities

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Delivered 100% in English

  • Career Opportunities: You can engage in the internship programme and future-proof your career acquiring transferable skills during your studies, to become specialists or managers in any industry; with careers including Digital Marketing Executive, Social Media Planner, Public Relations Officer, Marketing Communications Specialist, and Market Research Analyst.
  • Essential Skills: Marketing is crucial for every business – understanding customers, developing the right products and services, and entering the right markets, are some of the crucial decisions that can lead to profitability and determine organisational success.
  • Excellent Quality: The programme is designed to the highest standards of quality, meeting the QAA Business and Management subject benchmarks and the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Marketing with the contribution of both specialists and academics.
  • Practical Learning: You will gain exposure to management research, with project-based work that will make your profile impactful and oriented to excellence.
  • Comprehensive Insights: You will develop a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics that govern the modern business world, exploring the use of technologies such as neuromarketing and digital marketing in planning effective campaigns, management of social media, understanding data analytics, and creating compelling content with an integrated functional perspective.
BA (Hons) Marketing ManagementCourse structure
BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 1
BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 1

Marketing in the Business Environment

Advertising and Marketing Communications

Digital Content Creation

Social Media Strategy

Digital Marketing Techniques

Monitoring and Measuring in Digital Environments

BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 2
BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 2

Digital Marketing Strategy

Data Analysis and Visualisation

Managing Global Digital Brand Responsibility

Consumer and Organisational Behaviour

Sustainable Business Development

Digital Customer Experience

BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 3
BA (Hons) Marketing Management Year 3

Corporate Reputations and Ethics

Strategic Marketing Management

Marketing Research

Innovative Change Management

Consultancy Project

Marketing plays an important role in developing relationships between customers and organisations. This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of the role of marketing and key principles. This module will equip you with the knowledge to adapt to continuously changing consumer behaviour and reflect on how these principles link to your organisation.
Effective planning and strategies are key to success in marketing. In this module, you will explore the role of digital technology in business and how to develop and implement impactful digital marketing strategies to achieve the ambition and growth of organisations.
Understanding and managing the corporate reputation is critical to successful marketing in the digital age. In this module, you will investigate a broad range of new and emerging ethical issues faced by modern marketers which impact on corporate reputation. In the digital age, corporate reputation can be damaged in minutes as news spreads across digital platforms. In this module, you will learn how to plan for contingencies, crisis and disaster as well as how to manage and sustain the corporate reputation through creating a range of corporate communications to stakeholders following the tenets of corporate social responsibility.
BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Programme outcomes

Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Knowledge    & Understanding

Business Benchmark Statement QAA BMS     (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7,    3.8,    3.9, 3.10,   5.1,   5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the underlying concepts and principles associated with Marketing Management, together with professional requirements. Demonstrate knowledge and critical
understanding of the well-established concepts, principles and their development in Marketing Management, emerging Digital Marketing Management, together with professional requirements.
Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of key aspects of Marketing Management, to include how existing and emerging Digital Marketing Management concepts inform decision making in the marketing professions response to contemporary and global developments.

Business Benchmark Statement (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Develop lines of argument and make sound judgments in accordance with basic theories and concepts of Marketing Management. This will include skills associated with the marketing & digital marketing profession. Understand the limits of your knowledge and how this influences analysis and
interpretations based on that knowledge, in Marketing Management, emerging Digital Marketing Management, together with professional marketing.
Carry out inquiry-based learning, critical analysis and evaluation, and creative thinking to provide opportunities and solutions for Marketing Management success. They will be able to engage in strategic thinking and development and apply ethical reasoning to Marketing Management issues facing
contemporary organisations in
management and leadership.

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Develop the ability to research, evaluate and interpret information relating to theory and practice within marketing. Demonstrate knowledge of the main methods of enquiry through a range of research and practical activities associated with marketing and digital marketing. Develop investigative skills suitable for identifying opportunities for entrepreneurship. Justify and apply appropriate and ethical approaches to research and investigation in the fields of Marketing Management & Digital Marketing Management and apply skills and knowledge of enterprise in the pursuit of new business solutions and opportunity.

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Evaluate and interpret concepts and principles associated with the Marketing Management. Use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information in Marketing Management.
Recognise that skills developed in the Digital Marketing Industry are appropriate in the broader marketing profession.
Critically evaluate international business and Marketing Management theories applied to decision making and in the judgement of business management decisions. To demonstrate entrepreneurial thinking in their approach to problem and opportunity analysis. Throughout they will demonstrate creative thinking, quantitative approaches to analytical decision making and innovation.
Problem Solving

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Evaluate the
appropriateness of different approaches to solve problems to respond to the demands of the marketing sector.
Evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems arising from analysis of diverse
information and within professional constraints of the marketing sector. Recognise the
transferability of problem-solving skills.
Demonstrate a range of approaches to solving complex and interrelated international Marketing Management problems,
displaying judgement of appropriate and different perspectives and the knowledge. Within this process demonstrate your understanding of what is right and ethical.

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Use a range of methods to convey the results of your study and /or work accurately, reliably and with structured and coherent arguments. Effectively communicate information and arguments in a variety of forms, to specialist and non-specialist audiences (such as when seeking funding from a financial source). Deploy key techniques of the discipline effectively for the purposes of promotion, discussion, information, explanation and presentation. Communicate complex information, ideas, problems and solutions through a variety of media and display confidence in their communication and presentation abilities and your ability to network and interact.

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Develop new skills and utilise appropriate resources and techniques to create successful marketing campaigns in a
structured and managed environment.
Apply underlying concepts and principles outside the theoretical context by undertaking practical projects (such as designing a marketing plan) that require independent planning and innovative thinking. Be able to use high level skills in fulfilment of industry standard requirements. Apply, with reasoned judgement, skills, problem-solving techniques, international business and Marketing Management knowledge to organisation problems, scenarios and opportunities to
demonstrate your
capabilities as entrepreneurs consistent with the marketing profession.

Business Benchmark Statement: (3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9,
3.10, 5.1, 5.2,
5.3, 5.4, 5.5)

Demonstrate qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment and/or further study in the field of Marketing
Management and exercise some personal responsibility for
learning and
Manage your own learning, exercise
initiative, personal responsibility and
demonstrate the learning ability, qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment or further training of a
professional or equivalent nature in marketing. Consider reflective tools when evaluating the options of academic and vocational pathways, and the strategies to enhance progression opportunities.
Demonstrate a high level of competence in personal development, employability and understanding of their role in a globalised economy, through highly developed skills of personal awareness and critical review, comparable with the marketing profession.
Scroll BA (Hons) Marketing Management
BA (Hons) Marketing Management


Our graduates in Marketing Management can find themselves thriving in a diversity of organisations/companies, including:

  • Specialist Marketing Companies
  • Advertising Companies
  • Public Relation Agencies
  • Marketing departments of organisations (private, public, and voluntary sectors)

After graduating, Marketing Management students can develop their career path in various positions, including:

  • Web Content Manager
  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Marketing Manager
  • Advertising Manager
  • Promotions Manager
BA (Hons) Marketing ManagementAdmission requirements

Academic Requirements

Aged 17 or over. One of the following qualifications:

  • Vietnamese High School Diploma and Pathway to Staffordshire University Programme

  • Pass 2 subjects at Advanced GCE (A-Level)

  • An access programme passed at the required QAA-recognised standard for entry to Higher Education

  • An award of the European Baccalaureate Diploma, with at least 60 percent overall; English at 60 percent

  • An award of the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum of 24 points; English at 4 points

English Language Requirements

One of the following:

  • A proficiency test within the last 2 years:

    • IELTS (non UKVI): 6.0 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in each component; or

    • TOEFL IBT: Listening: 17; Speaking: 20; Reading: 18; Writing: 17

  • A proficiency test within the last 5 years:

    • International Baccalaureate (taught in English) Pass in English B at Standard Level grade 5 or High Level grade 4; or

    • IGCSE English: IGCSE English as a first or second language: Grade C; or

    • Cambridge International English GCE O-Level/GCSE: English Language grade A – C

If you have not met one of the above requirements you need to complete IELTS Upper-Intermediate Course at BUV or equivalent.

You don’t need to provide evidence of English language proficiency if any of the following conditions apply: If you’re a UK national; If you’ve completed a full degree from a UK university.

*In case applicants would like to be considered for recognition of prior learning, interviews might be required (if applicable)

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

What do our students say?

BA (Hons) Marketing Management
Do Hoang Anh
1810 Marketing Management Cohort

For me, studying marketing is simply a result of being captivated by an advertisement billboard and wishing I could do similar work myself. I chose BUV because it provides a standardised international environment (facilities, in-depth knowledge, study environment) that I can find right here in Vietnam.


However, after studying at BUV, I realised that marketing is a “big world” with a lot of knowledge and diverse job opportunities. BUV provides me with an overview of all aspects of the industry, from fundamental knowledge of marketing, branding, and advertising to marketing in the digital age (Digital Marketing), in the service industry (Service Marketing), or marketing for startup purposes (Entrepreneurial Marketing). From there, I have a deeper insight into marketing and can gradually visualize which career direction is suitable for me.

BA (Hons) Marketing Management
Nguyen Thuy Quynh
1910 Marketing Management Cohort

If I were to describe my journey at BUV in 4 words or less, the phrase “talk less, do more” would be the most fitting.


First comes “learning the trade”! In the early days at BUV, I felt a bit overwhelmed as we were immediately immersed in specialised knowledge. Our study time wasn’t long, to be honest: two semesters in a year, each lasting three months; however, it’s not about the number of hours but all about learning the right thing and sufficiently. The curriculum was streamlined, focusing entirely on practical knowledge.


What’s great about BUV is that we were encouraged to finetune our skills through various on-campus activities and internship placements – this helped me develop my practical skills right from the first year. If you’re the type of person who wants to learn by doing, then I believe BUV is a suitable choice.

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Programme pass rate

The pass rate for Marketing Management programme in 2022 is 93.67%.

BA (Hons) Marketing Management

Fees & financial aid


Tuition fee information for students enrolling from January 2024:

Tuition Fee Other Fees* Total Fee
Pathway Programme VND 83,840,000 VND 14,690,000 VND 98,530,000
Degree** VND 687,780,000 VND 171,978,000 VND 859,758,000
Scroll BA (Hons) Marketing Management

* Other fees include Education Resource Fee and Student Affairs Fee
** Listed fee covers the full programme

Tuition Fee & Fee Policy Tuition Fee & Fee Policy

Financial aid

The British University Vietnam (BUV) scholarship fund was established in 2018 with the goal of giving students the opportunity to study UK undergraduate and graduate programmes in an international learning environment. With an aim to improve and increase accessibility to high-quality education, BUV has officially launched the fund valued at 87 billion VND in 2024 with hundreds of scholarships and financial aid made available.

You can visit our Scholarship page to find out more and check your eligibility.

online application form

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